1. emc med data (dm+d)
  2. What is emc med data (dm+d)

What is emc med data (dm+d)?


emc med data (dm+d) is a system that allows pharmaceutical companies to electronically update the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) about new products and product changes that you wish to be displayed on the dm+d.


emc med data (dm+d) replaces paper-based submissions to the NHSBSA and provides you with an electronic process that collates and tracks your changes – keeping you in control of your data.

You should use emc med data (dm+d) to make submissions for medicinal products that are used in primary or secondary care, are currently licensed, and are available either now or within 3 months in the UK. Submissions should only be for marketed packs and not all the packs that you are licensed to manufacture. 


For more information on the NHS dm+d please see the help page 'What is the dm+d?'.