1. emc icomply desktop
  2. What is emc icomply desktop?

What is emc icomply Desktop?


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emc icomply desktop is an online version of our emc icomply app and links to our management system. It includes full reporting capabilities that allow your sales reps to demonstrate compliance in providing the latest SmPCs during meetings.


The desktop site allows for sales reps to access the most up-to-date SmPCs on their computers.  This optimises their ability to share the information within an online platform such as Zoom or Teams.


Please Note 📝


The login credentials used for the desktop version will be the same as those used to access the icomply app. If you do not have access to the app, please contact your company's icomply administrator.


The desktop site can be accessed via - https://icomply.medicines.org.uk/pwa/login