1. emc med data (dm+d)
  2. Submissions to the NHSBSA

How Do I Track My Submission?



Once you have sent a submission to the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), you can track its progress via med data dm+d and via update emails that are sent out at key stages.



To track your submission via med data, go to the Home page and then click the "Select Status"/">" tab. You can filter your view in the left-hand menu

The submission state will change as your submission is processed:

  • Pending Submission - your submission is waiting to be sent to the NHSBSA
  • With NHSBSA - your submission has been received by the NHSBSA and is being checked
  • Pending Cancellation - if you cancel your submission after sending it to the NHSBSA, this interim message will appear before your submission is actually cancelled



Every person involved in creating a submission will receive emails at key stages:

  • to confirm your submission has been sent to the NHSBSA
  • when your submission starts the checking process
  • when a decision has been made about your submission (i.e. approved or failed)



The NHSBSA will check your submission twice:

The first is an automated check to ensure that all the required fields are complete. You will receive an email if your submission fails. Your submission will then be moved to the Cancelled/Failed page on med data dm+d.

The second check is by the NHSBSA pharmacy team to validate the content of your submission. If the NHSBSA have any queries about your submission they will contact you directly. The NHSBSA will either approve (with or without changes and comments) or fail your submission. Again, you will be emailed with the outcome.