1. emc pi portal
  2. What is emc pi portal?

How Can emc pi portal Help My Company?


  • One-click link - emc pi portal will provide a link that you can display in your digital promotion. The destination page will contain all that is required for Code of Practice compliance: SmPC, legal category, cost, and adverse event reporting (ADR) information.

  • Real time updates - If an SmPC is updated on emc or emc ni then it will automatically be updated on emc pi portal ensuring that your digital prescribing information is always up-to-date.

  • Resource/Cost saving - As emc pi portal works in parallel with emc and emc ni, it reduces the effort required to create digital PI and removes the need to create bespoke PI micro-sites.

  • Single approval - As the SmPC displayed on emc pi portal has already been approved (both internally and by the regulator), it will not need further approval.