1. emc publisher
  2. How to Use emc publisher

Audit Reports

Within the Tools tab on emc publisher you will have the ability to generate audit reports at the click of a button. The first of which being the emc audit report which looks at the data around SPCs, PILs and ePILs (X-PIL). The second being the RMM Metrics Report which looks at your RMM and DHCP content on the emc.


emc Audit Report

This report provides a list of all of the selected company's current published SmPCs and PILs on emc. It provides data points around the submission and publishing dates and calculates the number of days since the SmPC or PIL was published on emc and the number of days from MHRA/EMA approval date and publishing on emc.


RMM Metrics Report

This report provides a list of all current published RMMs on emc. It provides data points around the submission and publishing dates, version history and gives a count of the number of SmPCs and/or PILs that are assigned to each RMM.


Please Note 📝

Both Reports will be downloaded in excel format allowing you to filter and save the data how you see fit